
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

A Slur in Disguise

Honestly, I'm quite reluctant to write about this particular case because I don't want to emphasize my view towards people. But I think I need to work on this on behalf of my people who suffered the most by the recent earthquake that happened severely at 7.0 SR on Monday. And to he honest I'm in deep sorry cause I was quite late to know about the earthquake. It's about an hour after the earthquake I opened the YouTube and I saw a tagline on a video "A 7.0 SR earthquake struck North Lombok." And I got a call from my friend in Gili who was so panic and by the moment he called he was fled to a hill in that island cause there was a Sunami Warning going on right after the earthquake. And I told my friend (my other friend) about the earthquake and his response was not the pleasant type of answer that everyone would hear. After I told him, he said "that catastrophe happened because the sin that the people committed, so they shall pay for the price." When ...

Gerhana Sebagai Momentum Renungan

Suatu ketika di zaman khalifah Umar bin Khattab r.a pernah terjadi gempa Bumi bersekala kecil. Sebagaimana reaksi tenang penduduk kota masa kini, namun tidak bagi khalifah Umar. Dengan wajah yang pucat kemerahan seketika ia keliar dari rumah dan menyeru kepada segenap manusia untuk berlumpul. Ditengah kerumunan manusia beloau menyeru," wahai penduduk Madinah! Kalau saja terjadi guncangan sekali lagi. Maka aku akan keluar dari kota ini selamanya. Sungguh tiada terjadi kejadian ini melaikan karena perbuatan maksiat dari penduduk daerah tersebut". (Khutbah Sholat Khusyuf oleh Al-Ustadz Dr. Muhammad Al-Husainiy Farg Al-Alusi di Masjid Darul Qur'an PTIQ Jakarta pada Rabu, 31/01/2018). .........................[interval]........................... Dalam sudut pandang ilmiah, kejadian semacam gerhana dan gempa dipandang sebagai kejadian alam yang disebabkan peristiwa alami daripada aktivitas bumi. Namun sebagai umat beragama, maka kaum beriman perlu memerhatikan cara agama me...