No more #KidsJamanNow

Hello, my fellow think tanker.
Either you chose to be my ally and my opposites

Nowadays. Our social media once again struck by a massive hastag of KID* ***** NOW. It is very funny to see the caption, memes, comments. That is our social media culture. If it's laughably commercials and popular. It will be on 'Tending topic list'. All accounts will contribute to spread the hastag. Fake of real account will be competing in caption creativity. Either good or bad, or right or wrong, validated ot not validated- follower gaining and popularizing account are the primary priority at all time.

And now there raise amount of people hastaging "KID* ***** NOW". I feel humiliated to use that word to express myself. Not only because The Ministry of Education had announced to use proper Indonesian in our culture. But I personally, I don't mix language.

That term were made up of three words in two different language. In other hand, it is very easy to reach most of Indonesian understanding by using such term and it makes it more laughably funny. But it also represent the unability in expressing full words either in each language. Duh, sounds funny right. Well we are unintentionally laugh on ourselves.

Next is, are we realised that The generation who born over 2000 aren't kids anymore. They're youth- and we can't use that term. And by the way kid is a word translated as 'to fool' of 'to deceive'. It is because a kids are the most vulnerable object of deception because thier lack of intelligence. And I had enough with all of those.

And that jargon also in the very beginning are mainly used to express the unattractive habits of the millennials such gaming, chit-chatting, etc. And it often linked to 'Micin' which is MSG that most people thought will reduce your intelligence. Well, it is not the truth. BPOM has released the lethal daily consumption for MSG is no more than 6 grams. And there was a fail simulation of MSG effect that affect all of us up to this time. And MSG is made from sugarcane same as sugar. The real thing that can reduce the your brain activity is coke, smoke, vape and alcohol (there are too many, I can make an independent thesis about this probably). Yes, smoking cigarettes. The only thing that popularize smoking culture (I prefer use word of nurture as well) thing is 'The Image'. Manhood culture are incomplete without the image of cigarettes. Well, you inhaling the smoke weed to your lungs make you the man of today? After 50 years we'll see your healthcare record. While in fact The only thing that make you a man is 'TESTOTERONE'. Thankfully all of us are luckily given that blessing. You can validate this by asking the nearest endocrinologist for further FAQ's or to consult.

And furthermore, this jargon also linked to the recent phenomenons happening nowadays which involving the millennials. Let's say underage vandalism or peculiar habits.

Overall it is no more than 'just' a jargon or a saying. Do we agree with that. No I don't. I prefer the more optimistic input to revolve myself. I will use 'The Generation of Future leader' or 'The Successful Generation in the Making'. For those who don't agree, and say "Life isn't a fairy tale. So skip your words and be more realistic" or "Relax it was just a joke" while you have wishes of a better future in your mind, you can waste your time hastaging KID* ***** NOW.


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